
日期:2013年05月07日    来源:本站整理    浏览量:1114

国际检索系统咨询部  翻译、整理:朱  诚;完成日期:2013-05-07
兹将俄罗斯全俄科技信息研究所埃琳娜•雷亚夫斯卡娅 5月7日电子邮件原文与译文公布如下。

Here is some new information about the Chinese journals evaluated by our experts.
The following 14 journals have been found informative and useful in our work and have been included in VINITI database for regular abstraction (some of these journals were reexamined by expertise):
1. ISSN 1000-9973. China Condiment.——中国调味品
2. ISSN 1671-3044. Hydrographic Surveying and Charting. ——海相油气地质
3. ISSN 1671-1637. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering. ——交通运输工程学报
4. ISSN 1671-9433. Journal of Marine Science and Application. ——船舶与海洋工程学报(英文版)
5. ISSN 1003-4722. Bridge Construction. ——桥梁建设
6. ISSN 1009-444X. Journal of Shanghai University of Engineering Science. ——上海工程技术大学学报
7. ISSN 1671-8879. Journal of Chang'an University. Nat.Sci.Ed. ——长安大学学报(自然科学版)
8 ISSN 1009-3486. Journal of Naval University of Engineering. ——海军工程大学学报
9. ISSN 1673-9560. Journal of Dalian Jiaotong University. ——大连交通大学学报
10. ISSN 1672-741X. Tunnel Construction. ——隧道建设
11. ISSN 0253-2336. Coal Science and Technology. ——煤炭科学技术
12. ISSN 1003-496X. Safety in Coal Mines. ——煤矿安全
13. ISSN 1674-0696. Journal of Chongqing jiaotong University. Nat. Sci. ——重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版)
14. ISSN 1001-6791. Advances in Water Science. ——水科学进展
The journals 1-3 and 8-13 have no English transliterations of the title on the front cover (for example Wuli for Physics).
Could you please ask the Editors to place it on the front cover or fix special label with this English letters for VINITI.
Unfortunately, scientific information in 2 other journals (reexamined or examined for the first time by our experts) does not fall into the scope of informational product of our institute and these journals are not needed for abstraction.
We are asking to stop sending us the following journals:
15. ISSN 1673-2871. China Cucurbits and Vegetables. ——中国瓜菜
16. ISSN 1674-8441. Energy Technology and Economics. ——能源技术经济(停刊)
Would you be so kind to pass this information to the Editorial Boards of the above mentioned journals and, please, let me know if you could pass this information or not.
I appreciate very much your kind assistance and cooperation.
Best regards,
Sincerely yours,
Elena Raevskaya
埃琳娜•雷亚夫斯卡娅 5月7日

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